Old fashioned character and independent charm at Oxted Cinema

My favourite cinema is Oxted Cinema in Surrey. It’s a tiny cinema in a mock-tudor building that started life in the 1920s. I first went there as a child and it was such an exciting treat! You used to be given an old fashioned ticket (like a bus ticket) from an equally old fashioned lady at the door. The sweets used to come in cardboard boxes and you had a choice of Maltesers or Fruit Pastels – that was it! Then, best of all, you could buy seats upstairs in the gallery, sit at the front in your plush velvet chair and lean over as though you were at the theatre. It’s changed a bit now, but thankfully it’s been bought by the Everyman chain so it still retains the character of an independant cinema. A real gem!
Image courtesy of jonnyfromthephone on Flickr